
Ethical Issues and Reporting

There may come a time during your career where you observe behavior in your workplace that is illegal, unethical, or harmful to public and patient safety. You can help in these instances by reporting to your employer, the Board, or both, or to federal or state law enforcement authorities.

  • If you feel comfortable doing so, report the behavior to your supervisor or another individual designated in your employer's operation or procedure manual if one exists.

  • If you believe reporting might jeopardize your employment, your supervisor is the individual engaging in the behavior you feel is wrong, or if you have reported the conduct and it continues you should consider contacting the Board's investigation department to discuss or report suspected wrongdoing by a member of your profession or any other healthcare professional regulated by the Board (check the Board's web page for a list of professionals it regulates).

  • The investigation department will explain the reporting process fully and answer any questions that you may have about reporting. Contact information is noted below.

  • While the law does not mandate that you report suspected wrongdoing, the Board encourages individuals to report a suspected violation of the law or its rules.

  • The law also provides immunity from damages to those who provide information to the Board without malice and in the reasonable belief that the reported information is accurate. La. R.S. 37:1287B.

  • If you suspect the unlawful prescribing of controlled substances you may also report directly to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) or to your local law enforcement authorities. You may reach the DEA by phone (504) 840-1100.

Contact information. The Board's investigation department may be reached: by phone (504) 568-6820 ex. 280 or 239; email: cduchmann@lsbme.la.gov or bbourgeois@lsbme.la.gov; fax: (504) 568-5754; or by writing to: "Investigation Department" LSBME, 630 Camp Street, New Orleans, LA 70130.